Clarinet ASN1 BER-Encoder Tool

The Clarinet Run-time package includes a tool allowing to encode ASN1 BER fields. Many templates are available for QSIG protocol.

Functions of the program

The Clarinet BER-Encoder Tool is capable of encoding ASN1 fields according to Basic Encoding Rules, as well as  include the resulting string as a content of the FACILITY Information Element of ISDN or QSIG protocol.

The BER-Encoder program is provided as an additional Clarinet tool delivered in the Clarinet Run-time Package. It supports the following functions:

  • file management: saving, importing templates.
  • line edition of  ASN1 facilities applied to ISDN, QSIG protocols.
  • generation of Hexadecimal ASN1 strings.

Installation of BER-Encoder program

The BER-Encoder program is automatically copied by the Clarinet Run-time install procedure (version greater than 10.1). Under the Start Menu of Windows, the Clarinet x.y group includes the Clarinet BER Encoder shortcut providing access to the Berencod.exe file located in Clatools directory:

Running BER-Encoder program

After launching the program from Windows, it displays a panel on the Windows Desktop. The Standard toolbar  includes File and Help access. The Edition toolbar includes the features to modify/create the ASN1 content. 

Importing a template of ASN1 facility

The Clarinet Run-time package includes factory-designed templates for QSIG Supplementary services. The files (extension.acb) are accessible by  'File/Import' command and located in the QSIG sub-tree of  Templates.

Creating a new  file of ASN1 facility

The following example shows how to create the Facility IE invoking the ISDN-MCID supplementary service.

  • File -> New 
  • Add a line which display the line creation panel and select:
    • 1
    • SEQ / SEQ OF
    • Add the comment at the end of the line " -- Invoke Comp = SEQUENCE"

Then Add the second line and indent it:

At the end of the construction of the IE, click to "Generate BER encoding" which allow to copy the HEX string  


Opening an existing file of ASN1 facility

The results of edition by the Clarinet BER-Encoder tool is saved by the 'File / Save as' command under an Acacia format. The files are accessible by  the 'File/Open' command and displayed according to the ASN1 notation (example shows the ISDN-AOC-D).

Generating the Facility IE

The profile editor allows to edit  the Facility IE in profiles or ISDN or QSIG profiles:

  • the "coding" mode displays the octet of the FACILITY IE. The octet 3 can  be selected from that panel .


  • the "Hexa" mode allows to enter the Component string: 
    the string corresponding to the ASN1 lines displayed in the edition area of the panel should be selected, copied, and pasted into the hex buffer (octet 3.1 and following ones). 

The events file shows the results of the execution of the profile transmitting the Facility IE to Invoke MCID.



Creating a Facility IE with  QSIG Rose component

The content of the  Facility IE consists of one sequence of:

  • set of: NetworkFacilityExtension, NetworkProtocolProfile, InterpretationApdu (all optional)
  • RoseAPDU (mandatory). 

The content has to be copied in several steps. The following example shows how to build a Facility IE invoking the "Calling Name" including three parts:

  • Network facility Extensions
  • Interpretation APDU
  • Rose APDU: Calling Name Invoke
The first part is imported from the templates in QSIG directory 
"Network facility Extensions"
After modifications, the BER encoded is generated and copied to the facility IE Buffer
The second part is imported from the templates in QSIG directory 
"Interpretation APDU"
After modifications, the BER encoded is generated and copied to the facility IE Buffer
The third part is imported from the templates in QSIG directory 
"Calling Name Invoke"
After modifications, the BER encoded is generated and copied to the facility IE Buffer
The Octet 3 (ROSE) of the faciilty IE is selected by the Coding way 
The following octets are copied in 3 steps to the IE buffer

The events file shows the results of the execution of the profile transmitting the Facility IE with the 3 parts of the IE.


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Last modification: 27/02/04