Clarinet VOIP: H323 Simulation

The Clarinet system allows not only to monitor H323 but also to simulate VOIP calls supported by  H323 protocol.

Function of the Simulation

From the version 10.3 (delivered May 2001), the regular Clarinet Run-Time package includes a new IP data simulator function similar to the previous data similator supporting Frame Relay or Frame Relay, X25: an automatic simulation of Voice-Over IP  H323 protocol.

This new IP simulator includes functions to define the stack of emulators from IP layer to H323 layer and to specify the behavior at each layer of simulation

The H323  call simulation is able to run automatic simulation over different types of interfaces (Ethernet, E1/T1, ATM, Vseries).

A new type of data profile in the Clarinet Run-time allows to built automatic H323 simulators 

Definition of the stack of protocols

This H323 simulator  includes functions to define the stack of emulators from IP layer to H323 layer and to specify the behavior at each layer of simulation

The H323  call simulation is able to run the simulation over different types of interfaces which need to build different  stack of protocols.

A stack of protocols corresponds to each type of interfaces with a coverage of options.

Configuration of the emulators

This H323 simulator uses a stack of emulators from  IP layer to H323 layer.

A set of values and options is specified at each layer of emulation.

A sequence of messages is defined for terminating incoming calls.



Configuration of the behavior

The simulation behavior includes the both functions: 

  • generation of outgoing calls (generator)

  • termination of the incoming calls (Responder)


Configuration of the signaling Q931 messages

The messages used for signaling are based one ITU-Q931 recommendation. 
The IE editor developed for edition of ISDN messages simulation behavior includes the both functions: 


The specification of each outgoing call includes operating conditions (delays...) and edition of the SETUP message.

The Clarinet Information Element Editor allows to add/remove any of the from the choice list.

The 'coding' access to the content of the IE displays the fields of the IEs. 
It allows to modify  them by selecting values or designation from a choice list. Optional octets can be selected/deselected.  


The 'coding' access to any User-User  IE encoded by using the PER ASN1 notation launches the Clarinet PER encoder. This tools displays simultaneously the User-User content in both windows:
  •  Hex value
  • ASN1 notation . 

It allows to modify  the content and to encode/decode the literal PDU.

The content is fully saved in the profiles. Templates of ASN1 encoded User-User are provided for helping the customer to setup the messages. Only the values of the addresses, dial numbers... have to be changed in the content.

Advance users will take advantage of this tool to encode different level of facilities.

Execution of the profiles

The on-line simultaneous monitoring provides an invaluable trace for the H225/H245  messages decoding and sequencing. Additional traces of primitives used between the different layers provide indications about the commands/indications exchanged during executions.


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Last modification: 27/02/04