Events: BERT

Event Structure What is a BERT event ?...

BERT decoding by using Clarinet Event-Editor with a filter ...

Protocol stack Which protocol specifications to be defined in the current filter ?...

  • ITU G821 recommendation
  • FT/CNET/LAB/208 application note, 3rd edition (transmission of data of the Pseudo Random Sequences type (PRS) and their control)

Options Changing the display conditions in the current filter ?...

Clarinet Event-Editor: BERT decoding

bert_decod.gif (13422 octets)

Event information Date Date of the event (end of BOP frame) in the format: hh:mm:ss/xxx.y  
N The interface number which identifies the Clarinet-interface connected to the host.

Event types Measure_info Relating to the control of the BERT measure.
Real_time Relating to real time events.
Available_time Relating to periodic results of the BERT measure during the available time.
Measure_result Relating to the results of the BERT measure.

BERT syntax
Word Item type Designation
BE Bit Error
BE-num Number of Bit Errors within a block.
BE-numb Number of Bit Errors within an errored second.
BER Bit Error Rate
BL Block (511, 2047 Bits)
BL-count BLock number
BLE event BLock Error
BLE-count Number of BLock Errors
BLER BLock Error Rate
ERR-SEC event Errored Second
ERF-SEC Error Free Second
SEV-SEC event Severely Errored Second (BER > 10-3)
DEG-SEC Degraded Second (10-3 > BER > 10-6)
DEG-MIN Degraded Minute
DM Degraded Minute
UNAV Unavailability
FLT-IND Fault Indication
AV-BER Average BER (on the error bits)
AO-BER Average Overall BER
AR-BER Average Residual BER
EPM event Elementary Period Measurement

Measure information events

  • decoding of the Measure info event in the following format:

    Beginning of BERT measure

Real time events

  • decoding of FLT-IND event in the following format:

Beginning of Fault Indication
End of Fault Indication

  • decoding of SEC event in the following format:

    TYPE BE-num= xxxxxx BER >10ee-y FLT-IND: X UNAV: X

    The field significance is as follows:

    • BE-numb= xxxxxx: number of errored bits.
    • BER >10ee-y: error rate value between 1 and 9 10-y.

      example: BER>10ee-5 => 1.10-5 < BER < 9.10-5.

    • FLT-IND: X: Fault Indication (Y/N).
    • UNAV: X: Unavailability (Y/N).
  • decoding of PRS event (BERT+ event) in the following format:

    BLE BE-num= xxxxxx BL-count= xxxxxx BLE-count= xxxxxx

The field significance is as follows:

  • BLE: error on block (511, 2047...bits).
  • BE-num= xxxxxx: value of number of errored bits in the block.
  • BL-count= xxxxxx: value of received block counter (since measurement beginning).
  • BLE-count= xxxxxx: value of errored received block counter (since measurement beginning).

Available time event

The representation of an EPM event is supplied by a line including the degraded minute indication (DM:X, X being YES/NO) and the error rate during the EPM.

In order for the information contained in the intermediate reports to be valid, there is a delay of 9 seconds between the end of period date to which the report refers and the date when the report is generated. The date displayed is the report generation date.

Measure result event

The representation of a BERT final result event is supplied by a table with 7 lines and 3 columns.
The first line includes the measurement time value and the unavailability time value.

Protocol stack applied

bert_isdn_stack.gif (7125 octets)



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updated:  27-Feb-04