Troubleshooting: Profile execution

Unsuccessful profile execution


Source of troubles
Loader Error Displayed when executing Clarinet Loader
tac-clef.aci not found The result of the Clarinet Loader is stored in the file tac-clef.aci in the clarinet\clatools directory.
Clarinet Loader must be launched Again to detect the Clarinet connected to the PC.
Checking Clarinet Loader is it in the Starting of Windows?

Wrong Clarinet number

Clarinet Manager Displayed from the Manager when running a profile
Detecting not allowed Clarinet: the Clarinet number selected in the profile does not corresponds to any physical Clarinet ID (on the coding wheel) of the Clarinet Units connected to the PC.
Diagnostic Clarinet number must to be identical in the profile and on the coding wheel.


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updated:  27-Feb-04