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Event-Editor statistics - overview
The EVENT-EDITOR realizes the presentation of statistics events based on a
file to the operator. It includes:
- display by basic means of counters defined by the DISPLAY
specifications of the filter associated according to 2 modes and utility
- COUNTER mode: representation of n counters (20 maximum), in the
form of a bar-graph (2D or 3D).
- HISTORY mode: representation of n counters, (a small n to make
the reading easier), in the form of an history-file diagram (2D or 3D).
- customized display by means of utility functions such as:
- display of a counter legend area (minimum information).
- display of characteristics of each counter sample (including
comparison with maximum and minimum value).
- choice list of graph types (History mixed mode only).
- color palette.
- display of horizontal and vertical grids.
- zoom function.
- a basic dialogue for command management.
- manual navigation in the file according to standard keying.
- automatic scrolling enabling the ON-LINE editing of a file being
recorded (Auto-Scroll function).
- copying the sceen in the clipboard and printing.
- access to the FILTER-EDITOR to modify the current filter and the
specifications of counters.