How to simulate H323 over Ethernet in Fastart mode

This page describes the way to simulate an H323 End-Point with the following features:

  • connection to an Ethernet network
  • registration from a Gatekeeper by using H225-RAS
  • establishment of signalling channels by using H225
  • establishment of media channels by using the Fast-Connect H245 procedure

Setting the test conditions for Ethernet profile

A new profile can be created  with the Wizard from the Template list by selecting:

  • LAN application.
  • Profile with a description including LAN, Simu, PH=10BT DL=H323 RAS + fastart
  • Filter with a description including  DL= MAC802.3/Auto/H323

Example using the wizard:

  • ProfileèNewèLANèlan_simu_h323_endpoint_RAS_fs.acpèFilter?èLan_auto_h323.acf

The IP-type simulation profile H323_simu_mac_endpoint_RAS_fs.aip invoked by the lan_simu_h323_endpoint_ras.acp is automatically copied in the same directory. 

Both profiles (*.acp and *.aip) resulting from the wizard is ready for H323 simulation over an Ethernet 10 Mbits interface.

Modifications can apply to the profile H323_simu_mac_endpoint_RAS_fs.aip concerning the Fastart procedure

Setting Fastart options in Outgoing calls

Profile H323_simu_mac_endpoint_RAS_fs.aip  includes the Fastart option in each SETUP message of the Outgoing communications: modifications of the default addresses: 

  • Open the profile:
    • ProfileèOpen IP...èH323_simu_mac_endpoint_RAS_fs.aip.
  • Modifications to setup the H225 messages used by the H323 Endpoint :

    • Editing the User-User IE in SETUP message:
       Generator èH323Destination1 èEdit èSetup èUser-User èCoding 
      The ASN1 content of the Fastart  is using automatic update of the following values: 

      • network IP address

      • tsapidentifier

Connecting the unit and setting the other test conditions

The connections of Clarinet-Book USB units and the settings of test conditions for a basic H323 communication using the H245 procedures are detailed in the following page:

with the following points :

  • Setting the addresses
  • Changing the TCP and UDP ports
  • Running the profile
  • Troubleshooting over Ethernet


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updated:  27-Feb-04