Filter editor statistics: General specifications

General info

Description. The content can be customised to describe briefly the characteristics of the current filter with an ASCII character string.

Protocol Specifications... To define the protocol stacks used to decode and select events.

Filter sets... To define groups of interfaces with the same specifications.

Filter Actions

List of counters. The list includes 20 counters.

  • Counter i. The highlighted counter is the current one, whose specifications can be edited.

Edit. Provides access to the specifications of the current counter, which are selecting conditions on protocol events to be used for counting processing.
The Copy filter action and Paste filter action functions allow to duplicate the specifications of a counter to an other one (in the same filter or a different one).

Name. Display of the counter name, which can be modified by Edit access.

Type. Display of the counter type, which can be modified by Edit access.


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updated:  27-Feb-04