FR profile editor: Generator

List of calls (connections). The list is composed of several items.
The highlighted call is the current one, which can be edited, selected or de-selected.

  • Perm. VC i. The permanent virtual connection number i is de-selected.
  • >> Perm. VC i. The permanent virtual connection number i is selected and then the related data source will be connected during the FR profile execution.
  • Virtual call i. The virtual call number i is de-selected.
  • >> Virtual call i. The virtual call number i is selected and then will be launched during the FR profile execution.

Edit. Provides access to the specifications of the current call.
The Copy FR virtual connection and Paste FR virtual connection functions allow to duplicate the specifications of a particular call to an other one (in the same profile or a different one).

Select. To select or de-select the current call.


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updated:  27-Feb-04