IP profile editor: IPCP options
Address options
IP address as well as primary and secondary Domain Name System (DNS) and NetBIOS Name Server (NBNS)
addresses can be negotiated independently.
Local peer parameters. An address is notated by using four numbers from
0 through 255, separated by periods.
. Configuration
option not used. Default.
. Configuration
option is negotiated.
The value indicates an explicit request that the peer provide the
address information.
In particular, that could be used to set the Own IP address.
Remote peer parameters. An address is notated by using four numbers from
0 through 255, separated by periods.
- address. value provided upon explicit request by the remote peer
during the negotiation of the address configuration option.
IP Compression Protocol options
IP Compression protocol. Parameter for the
negotiation of the IP Compression Protocol configuration option, which is carried out
only if the value is different from None. By default, compression of
received packets is not enabled.
Data. field contains additional data as determined by the particular
compression protocol. Buffer of bytes in hexa. Example 0x15, 0x01 (for VJ and E1
- Related topics:
- Protocol: IPCP