IP profile editor: H323 Responder

RAS. Access to the RAS settings specific to the current incoming call as Admission, ... (used only if H225.0 RAS is initialised).

Call establishment. with the following step in sequence in reference to H323 emulator configuration :

  • Send connect after. Delay before sending the CONNECT message (if to be sent), starting from the reception of the incoming SETUP message.
    An empty field means an infinite value of time.
  • CONNECT... Access to editing the attached buffer of IE(s).

Call active. With the specification of the active source to be connected and  the transmission mode resulting in duration parameters.

  • Active source. Data source to be connected:
    • None. No data source.
    • RTP Simulator. An RTP profile must be selected from a choice list.
    • PESQ. Wav file selected from a choice list.
      PESQ measurement is carried out on the Tx/Rx RTP data flows at the end of the profile execution according to the following settings:
      • Analog properties (with Auto mode) set in the Protocol filter defined within the profile.
      • configuration file set as WI_ANALOG by Clarinet-Init
  • Transmission mode.
    • Send continuously for a duration. The call is automatically cleared when the duration expires.
      An empty field means an infinite value of time.
    • Send number of time(s) and clear after delay. The selected data source is transmitted, for the number of times as defined. And then, after the delay expiry, the call is automatically cleared.
      An empty field means an infinite value of the delay.

Call clearing. with the following step in sequence:

  • If normal clearing, Send RELEASE COMPLETE... Message transmission.
    Access to editing the attached buffer of IE(s).
  • If unavailable resources, Send RELEASE COMPLETE... Message transmission.
    Access to editing the attached buffer of IE(s).


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updated:  27-Feb-04