Events: ANSI T1.618

Event Structure

What is a BOP event ?...

ANSI T1.618

by using Clarinet Event-Editor with a filter ...

Protocol stack

Which protocol specifications to be defined in the current filter ?...


  • Recommendation ANSI T1.618


Changing the display conditions in the current filter ?...

Clarinet Event-Editor: ANSI T1.618 decoding

t618_decod.gif (8608 octets)

Event information


Date of the event (end of BOP frame) in the format: hh:mm:ss/xxx.y


The interface number which identifies the Clarinet-interface connected to the host.

Link type

  • TS: Signalling Link  Transmit direction
  • RS: Signalling Link Receive direction
  • TD: Data Link Transmit direction
  • RD: Data Link Receive direction


The decoding level as specified in the filter (protocol stack).

Protocol fields


<PDU type> Ctrl    [nnnn]

Data field

Field of the conveyed data, displayed if no upper layer of protocol has to be decoded.
The display mode can be Hexa, Ascii or Ebcdic as specified in the filter.

ANSI T1.618 Protocol fields

<PDU type>

Type of frame.


Control field in the format P/F:x NR:xxx NS:xxx (except for Core data annex A) :

P:x or P/F:x

value of P or P/F bit (0 or 1).


value of NR (sequence Number Received).


value of NS (sequence Number Sent).


Length of the data field.


Address field DLCI:xxxxxxx C/R:x FECN:x BECN:x DE::x DLCC:--


Value of Data Link Connection Identifier.


C/R bit value (0 or 1).
FECN:x Forward Explicit Congestion Notification bit value (0 or 1).
BECN:x Forward Explicit Congestion Notification bit value (0 or 1).
DE:x Discard Eligibility Indicator bit value (0 or 1).
DLCC:-- DL-CORE control (-- not used).

Protocol stack applied

t618_vs_stack.gif (7292 octets)


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updated:  27-Feb-04