Manager - single/dual configuration

SINGLE-MANAGER configuration

A MANAGER has capability to control, via the AS-DRIVER, one or several AS-INTERFACEs.

The standard configuration installed on the HOST defines one MANAGER.

With the SINGLE-MANAGER mode, CLARINET-SYSTEM allows the operating for one MANAGER.

DUAL-MANAGER configuration

With an advanced configuration defined by the operator, CLARINET-SYSTEM allows the simultaneous operating for two MANAGERs.

The DUAL-MANAGER mode enables independent management of the supported interfaces.

Duplicating the MANAGERs entails those of associated profiles and PROCESSes:

  • two profiles are executed separately,
  • the MANAGER and EVENT-EDITOR Windows are relative to each profile executed.

The allotment of the CLARINET AS-INTERFACEs in the HOST is defined by a configuration file which can be edited by CLARINET-INIT. By default all the Clarinet boards are allotted to the Manager 1.

The simultaneous operation of two MANAGER's is achieved by opening two MANAGER Windows with different launching parameters.


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updated:  27-Feb-04