How to print, copy, save protocol event

The EVENT-EDITOR allows the creation of files in the two different formats:
  • ASCII format: the Copy ASCII function can be used to transform a binary event file or a part of it into a printable file.
  • CLARINET binary event format: The Copy Binary function can be used to make a back-up of a part of an event file.

Copy ASCII clipboard

A file containing some events represented in ASCII form can be created using the editor. After selecting a zone of events in the display, the file is created by saving the displayed events of the zone.

The Edit/Copy ASCII function of the toolbar (or <F6>) provides access to zone-selection:

  • the first action defines the zone-beginning marker; a first marker is displayed at the beginning of the event pointed by the cursor, with the indication "«««« FIRST MARKER »»»»".
  • the second action defines the zone-end marker then generates the input of the ASCII file name in which the displayed events between the markers are saved. No suffix is automatically added.

The Append option enables successive extractions to a single ASCII file.

Copy Binary clipboard

A file containing some events in their native binary format can be created using the editor. After selecting a zone of events in the display, the file is created by saving the events of the zone.

The Edit/Copy Binary function of the toolbar (or <SHIFT><F6>) provides access to zone-selection:

  • the first action defines the zone-beginning marker; a first marker is displayed at the beginning of the event pointed by the cursor, with the indication "«««« FIRST MARKER »»»»".
  • the second action defines the zone-end marker, then generates the input of the binary file name in which the binary events between the markers are saved. The .ace suffix is automatically added.

The Append option enables successive extractions to a single binary file.

The Only displayed events option is available to limit extraction to the events currently displayed.
By default, all the events (even not displayed because filtered ...) of the selected zone are processed.

The following delimiting beginning and end events are added in the binary file.

***** ClipBoard: Beginning of Selection
***** ClipBoard: End of Selection


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updated:  27-Feb-04