IP profile editor: TCP / UDP Responder

Protocol. Type used.

  • TCP
  • UDP

  • Connection establishment

    With the specification of the open connection parmeters and the used address socket.

    Open connection parameters. In use only for TCP protocol type.
    The set of parameters applies to the open connection on the specified socket.

    • Connection window. Maximum size of data which could be received without acknowlegment.
    • User timeout. After this delay, the connection is released if the remote station is out of service. Typical value is 180 seconds.
    • Retransmit timeout. After this delay, the segment which has not been acknowledged is retransmitted.
    • Ack timeout. After this delay, the acknowledgement is transmitted if no segment has to be transmitted.
    • Time wait. Duration of the Time-wait state at the end of the connection.

    Socket parameters. The group of the three following parameters is specific to the connection.

    • Listen port. Local port number.
    • Remote socket: Listen any socket
      • Yes. with any IP address and any port.
      • No. The attached IP adress and port parameters will be in use.
    • Remote socket: IP address. Remote IP address.
      A valid value must be defined, if in use.
    • Remote socket: port. Remote port number.
      A valid value must be defined, if in use.

    Delay before connect. Delay before connection of the active source.
    An empty field means an infinite value of time.

    Connection active

    With the specification of the data source to be connected, the transmission mode resulting in duration parameters, datagram length.

    Active source. Data source to be connected:
  • None. No data source.
  • Transmit pattern. Pattern of characters, selected from a choice list, and transmitted as a sequence of data segments.
  • Transmit high-speed pattern. In use only for UDP protocol type.
    Pattern of characters, selected from a choice list, and transmitted as a sequence of data segments in the high speed emulator mode.
  • Transmit file. File selected from a choice list, and transmitted as a sequence of data segments.
  • Receive file. File selected from a choice list, and used for recording the data conveyed by the data segments received in sequence.
  • Receive file + Transmit pattern. Combination for simultaneous  receive and transmit operations.
  • Receive file + Transmit file. Combination for simultaneous  receive and transmit operations.
  • RTP simulator. In use only for UDP protocol type.
    An RTP profile must be selected from a choice list.
  • Source selection. For some data source type, a complementary selection must be done.

    Transmission mode. The selected data source is transmitted as a sequence of segments, for a certain number of times, before the connection clearing.

  • Send continuously for a duration. The connection is automatically closed when the duration expires.
    An empty field means an infinite value of time.
  • Send number of time(s) and clear after delay. The selected data source is transmitted, for the number of times as defined. And then, after the delay expiry, the connection is automatically closed.
    An empty field means an infinite value of the delay.
  • Datagram length. Size of the convoyed data units built from the active source of  the transmit type in use, if any.
    If greater than (TCP-MTU)-20, the segmentation will be used.

    Rx File size. In use only with active source defined as Receive file.
    The received convoyed data are no more recorded  in the Rx File after this size is reached.
    An empty field means an infinite size value.


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    updated:  27-Feb-04