Getting Started with Clarinet-System

Step 1: PC installation

Step 2: Automatic Clarinet Loader

Successful Loading with a single Clarinet unit

Step 3: Selecting the Clarinet Program

Under the Start/Programs of Windows, the Clarinet x.y group includes the Clarinet shortcut providing access to the Manager Dialog:



Clarinet Program

  • Clarinet is the input to access to Clarinet monitoring, simulation...
  • Clarinet BER Encoder allows to encode ASN1 fields according to Basic Encoding Rules and to include the resulting string as a content of the FACILITY Information Element of ISDN or QSIG protocol. Doc_systnote/Notinf_Berencoder.htm
  • Clarinet-Help provides access to the Home Page of Clarinet-Help in HTML version.
  • Clarinet-Init For allows advanced-users modifications of the initialisations of Clarinet applications. By default all the options are selected and filled with the regular values.
  • Clarinet-Loader  is the duplication of the shortcut which is in the Starting Group of Windows. For Reloading the software in some conditions. See Loader dialog.
  • Read Me provides some additional information which could not be included in the Clarinet Help.

Step 4: Building a test

The Clarinet Manager Dialog provides access to the Clarinet Wizard. It allows to build a test by creating a Profile from a list of templates under New input:


At the end of the selection, the profile and the filter are saved in the directory selected under directory input (default is \Clarinet\Cladata).

Connecting the interface under test: using the connection specifications (see  List_connections.htm)

Step 5: Running a test

The Clarinet Manager Dialog  allows to launch a test by selecting a Profile from a list under Run input. The Clarinet Manager opens a new Dialog-box, the Manager Command box, providing access to the manual commands of the Manager:


When the profile is under execution, the cursor set on the windows of the Clarinet-manager displays an animated symbol of the running

The Manager opens simultaneously a second windows for the Clarinet Protocol Event-Editor: the title displays the event-file name (*.ace) and the filter file name (*.acf).

Step 6: Stopping a test

The execution of the profile is stopped by clicking on

The Manager closes simultaneously the second windows of the Clarinet Protocol Event-Editor if the Event-Editor scrolling is ON.

Step 7: Opening an Event File

The Manager saves automatically the events in the event-file. When the test is finished, the events can be edited off-line by use of Clarinet Event-Editor.The panel Edit Protocol Event file accessed by Events/Open Protocol or allows to specify the file names.


q931_isdn_det123.gif (19970 octets)

The toolbar or navigation keys provides the way to move in the event-file.

The edition is stopped by the File/Exit command.

Step 8: Using the Clarinet help

The Clarinet Help is provided under HTML format. The user should use Internet explorer  to display the help pages about the Clarinet-system.


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updated:  27-Feb-04